Picture of t-shirts saying 'I Love CUSEC'

Canadian University Software Engineering Conference

Visit the all new CUSEC 2024 website.

"You will learn more at CUSEC in 3 days than your entire 1st year of university." -Michel Parisien, Student, Concordia University

What Is This CUSEC You Talk About

CUSEC (the Canadian University Software Engineering Conference) is referred to by many as the gathering of the future of Software Engineering. Students who are passionate about Software Engineering, from across Canada and diverse concentrations, gather under one roof for three full days to learn from the worlds most famous and sought after software engineering speakers, researchers and professionals.

CUSEC is not just about the presentations though. The conference gives you the opportunity to meet others who share your passion. To see what your peers are up to and learning at their schools. CUSEC gives you the opportunity to have open conversations with many of the authors of the books you read as well as the people you read and hear about in school. Allowing you to learn directly from the people you look up to. And don't forget, we also have a growing career fair that might be of interest to you.


CUSEC is developed primarily with software engineering undergraduate and graduate students in mind. That does not mean that other people can't benefit from CUSEC. The program is always of the highest quality and anyone who is interested in software engineering can learn a lot from CUSEC.

I Am Really Excited... When Is The Next CUSEC

CUSEC is a yearly conference held from Thursday to Saturday in January.

How Much Is This Going To Set Me Back

We are students as well. We know what it feels like to be on a tight budget. Historically, CUSEC has cost $60 for the three day event, that is for those who take advantage of the early bird special. The regular price is $100.

Take into consideration that the cost of professional conferences run into the hundreds of dollars, if not thousands. It costs us much more than $60 per person to run CUSEC. We get the additional money through sponsorship and we don't make a penny off the conference. We do this because, like you, we are passionate about Software Engineering.

How Do I Stay Informed

We try to make that as easy as possible for you. You can stay informed about CUSEC by signing up to our newsletter.

What Are Other People Saying About CUSEC

Here is a sample of the things people are saying about their CUSEC experience:

"I feel CUSEC is an awesome event, and a must for any software engineering student." -Karen, Student, Carelton University

"John, I am truly still in awe over what you've done with that conference. We all (Chad, Bert, and I) agree that we've never experienced anything like it, and that we're way past impressed with you, your crew there, and of course -- the attendees." -Kathy Sierra, Founder and Author, Head First Series

"Just letting you know I got interviews with both AutoDesk and Microsoft setup thanks to CUSEC." -Loren, Student, Concordia University

I Really Want To Go But My Dog Ate My Wallet

There is a lot to be gained by attending CUSEC. You get to make new friends. Learn from your peers. Mingle with the best software engineers in the world. Party like it is 1999. Make contacts with people you might end up working on projects with and possibly even find a job at our career fair. But if you can't make it down, we make a good number of the presentations (after getting the presenter's permission) available in our presentation archives section (slides and audio).

I Am So Excited About CUSEC That I Even Want To Help Organize The Conference

Awesome, we are always looking for people to help us organize CUSEC. From helping with the logistics, to inviting speakers, going after sponsorship, designing and maintaining our website website, becoming a head delegate at your school or even becoming a CUSEC evangelist by becoming one of our official bloggers. We have tons of opportunities for you to get involved no matter what you are interested in helping with and it does not matter what school you are from. .

I Want To Learn More About CUSEC… I Am Just Eating This Stuff Up

Well then, if you want to learn more about CUSEC and you are really bored you can read about our history. If you are a real geek (like myself) you can download the slides from, and in some cases listen to, previous presentations given at CUSEC in our presentation archives section. If you are looking for pictures from previous conferences you can find them as well in the presentation archives section. But most importantly, if you want to keep up with everything CUSEC you need to subscribe to and follow our blog properly titled “Everything CUSEC”.